Tuesday 19th October 2021

Minutes of Upware Residents' Association Meeting

Apologies: Louisa Haine and Matt Luck

Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chair. 

  • Introductions: New Committee introduced self and welcomed new residents to first meeting
  • Chair: Thanks to Lorraine & Dave at 5 miles for use of room. Update since last minutes RE: Plot 1 fencing, no response to contact from Upware Residents Association (URA) or Wicken Parish Council (WPC) from Architect so far. Matt Cannon has contact and will update if information can be sought.

  • URA Bank Account:  Balance in the Account as of 19thOctober 21 £312.75. Hire of Wicken Village Hall in July £30.00. Quote for public liability insurance is £175 due for renewal 31st December 21.

  • WPC Update from Liz Tory 

    1. Anglia Water - works for phase 1(install a new pipeline from Stretham to Upware & Wicken) are now 2 weeks in and going well after initial planned delay.
    2. Soham Train Station – works expected to be completed by end of Dec 2021
    3. Road Markings– erosion of white lines on the corner of Old School Lane, has been reported by Liz to Highways Agency – however residents can also report the issue online (https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/roadworks-and-faults)

    4. Community Land – the ditches at the front of the community land are projected to be dug by contractors via WPC, and works to be completed prior to Christmas. The bid for wooden gates were successful which will be great for securing the site.

    5. The speedwatch sign was borrowed from WPC and erected on the corner of Old School Lane. Maximum Speed recorded was 55mph, although captures from one direction, therefore Upware road & from pub down Old School Lane may need further investigation. URA would like to formally thank WPC for use of the sign and that being able to see and compare data has been very useful. Data was provided by Liz for further context.  Equipment can cost £2k per sign with £250 for peripherals (e.g., batteries) so cost effeteness will need to be looked at. If any residents would like to have more info or to talk about what is going on the land in the future please attend the next WPC meeting second Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall at 7:30 pm.


  • Website: Simon Cogan investigated costs of website/hosting to see if this could be cheaper and presented some cost options, Matt Cannon very kindly offered to host & acquire domain and set this up for free and no yearly cost. URA thankful for this outcome and will keep residents updated. It was highlighted that website is still required as minutes need to be publicly available. Many thanks to Roger Haverson for keeping the information available. Update: The current website costs not set to auto-renewal so cancelation not required. Matt Cannon to take forward RE: committee access for uploading/management on the new website.
  • Fund Raising: There will be a Christmas Quiz on Wednesday 1st Dec at the 5 Miles, Janet Carrod has kindly volunteered to design a poster. There will be a raffle and a themed prize. Sharon will be providing Questions and has volunteered to be Quiz Master. On the night there will be a raffle, donations would be very much appreciated.

  • Queens Platinum Jubilee June 22 We are looking at holding a village event to celebrate this milestone for Queen Elizabeth. Hopefully on the community land. Please let the fundraising group know if you are interested in helping. If the community land is not available alternative arrangements will be sought. Further discussion at the next meeting.

  • Any Other Business

    1. Wetlands Project: John Carrod raised a query if any members had heard any information about the water level being raised on the ‘Washes’ as part of the ‘Life on the Old West’/ACRE project. Members at the meeting were not informed of this. The chair has emailed the relevant Department at the LOTOW to ask if they can attend the meeting in January and update residents.

    2. CCTV: Laura to discuss with WPC/Liz Tory around CCTV potentially capturing public land. Legalities have been looked into and signage would be present. Further discussion with WPC required.

Chair, Secretary, Treasurer:

Chair: Gwynneth Griffiths

Secretary: Laura Petchey

Treasurer: Sharon Green 

NB: Common Acronyms:

WPC = Wicken Parish Council

URA = Upware Residents Association