Tuesday 27 October 2020

Minutes of Upware Residents' Association Meeting and AGM

This was a committee member’s only meeting.

Apologies Nicola Yorke, Matt Luck and Laura Petchley.

Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chair. 

The Election of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members was carried 

Sharon Green

Gwynneth Griffiths

Louisa Haine

Committee Members

  • Liz Tory
  • Nicola Yorke
  • Matt Yorke
  • Maggie Haverson
  • Matt Luck
  • Clive Griffiths
  • Laura Petchey
  • Simon Cogan

Andy Cogan, Kiru Balson and Elaine Haine have decided not to remain on the committee. Our thanks to them for their input over the last 3 years. If any other resident would like to join the committee please let the secretary know.

Note to all committee members to stay on the committee you must attend at least 2 out of the 4 meetings per year.

Please Note that this year the Chair, Secretary and Treasure will have been in the positions 4 years. Therefore, in October 21 at the next AGM a new Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be needed.

Chair Sharon Green

The URA yearly report Please see attached.

Treasurers Report  

The balance in the account is 821.64 after a cheque for £16 to hire the hall has been processed through the account.

WPC Update from Liz Tory   

Highways will be repainting the lines at the top of Old School Lane this should then make the traffic slow down before pulling out onto Upware Road. The EA car park will repaired hopefully week commencing 16th November. 8 new homes for key workers are being planned in Fordham they will be approx. £100,000 to purchase. 

Speedwatch and Speeding in the Village 

There is still concern about the speeding on Old School Lane when traffic leaves The Five Miles. Liz Tory was asked to put forward to the WPC to see if Upware can loan the flashing speed traffic calming signs and place them in Old School Lane. Sharon has decided that it is time for her to step down from heading the speedwatch team. If there is any resident that would like to take over as speedwatch coordinator please let Sharon or Gwynneth know. If we cannot get someone to take the role over, unfortunately the speedwatch in Upware will have to cease.

Local Highways Initiative   

We should know in the New Year if we have been successful in our bid for the village gates. If successful the URA will have to make a donation towards the installation. However, there are enough funds in the bank account to cover this. A request was asked for the URA to look into the costs of a speed humps down old school lane with perhaps applying in 21/22. On the Highways website the costings for this is anywhere from £10,000 to £22,000. With no evidence on speeding etc. this will be difficult to apply for and we as a residents association would have to contribute funds. At this moment in time no fund raising activities are in place and it would take a number of years to raise any contribution.  If any residents on Old School Lane have comments on this please forward it to the Secretary.

Community Land

The saplings are arriving in November and a planting group will be set up. Sharon will keep the village notified via our Facebook page. The URA will consult the residents on Old School Lane about the planting as there was a concern that the views from the houses could be obstructed with tall trees. The land has now been ploughed, and the work to be actioned between now and next spring are flatten the land, grass seed, new fence and a gate at the entrance.

There will be discussions with the WPC and residents on future planting and to decide on wild areas trees benches etc. The area is now protected as a Field Of Trust therefore, it cannot be sold, used for commercial use or built on. Plot One that owns the boundary between themselves and the community land will have to put some kind of fencing there when they start on their plot. Matt Cannon on plot 2/3 is putting hedging around his boundary to the community lane.

Any other business

There was a request about future meetings by Zoom. It was decided by the committee to keep having the meetings at the Wicken Village hall as social distancing can be adhered to and the meetings flow easier. However an idea was that we can set up from the Facebook community page and have a live meeting that residents can watch from the page.  

Comments could then be made by text on the page, which the treasure will monitor and put the questions forward at the meeting. If any resident needs to contact the Secretary of the URA please use gwynneth@fpandp.com 07825999179 or through messenger