Tuesday 31st January 2022

Minutes of Upware Residents' Association Meeting


Apologies: Louisa Haine

Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chair. 

  • Introductions: Welcomed our newest resident Charlie Deller to the village

  • URA Bank Account:  Balance in the Account as of 31st January 2022 £407.71 After a successful quiz. Incoming: Christmas Quiz = £185, Donations = £45 5 Miles Slow Gin comp donation = £70 Outgoing: £241.04 Public Liability Insurance. The price of the insurance is as only one company can offer the cover required.

  • WPC Update from Liz Tory 

  • Upware Open Space – Have received a grant via East Cambs submitted by the WPC. 10 trees to collect from Ely Council Offices, Liz asked for volunteers to pick them up. **Update ** Trees have been collected by Liz /Volunteers – ‘Planting Party’ was a success.
    • Gwynneth Griffiths also raised the potential for residents to ‘Donate a tree for the Queens Canopy’ to accompany the 10 trees that have been donated via East Cambs council. Residents were in agreement that this was a good idea. Type of trees and further information dependant on what trees we have received. Looking at planting in the autumn. Liz Tory will mention this to the WPC for permission to plant the trees.
    • The ditches at the front of the Upware Open Space are projected to be dug by contractors via WPC, however WPC in middle of grass cutting contractor change over
  • Website: upware.org.uk Many thanks to Matt Canon for setting up website and handling domain etc. Laura to also have admin log in for uploading of minutes.  If you would like information added/edited please contact Laura Petchey. The Chair thanked Roger Haverson for all his help with the previous website.

  • Fundraising: Sharon Green proposed due to the success of the last quiz that perhaps the URA hold another in April, with a raffle and the proceeds going towards Defib upkeep and costs.

  • Queens Platinum Jubilee June 22 – attending residents discussed the options for celebrating Queens Jubilee, it was agreed that something similar to the ‘Picnic in the Park’ would be a good option. Further information/details to follow. If any resident would like to help organise the event or just help on the day please contact the Chair Gwynneth Griffiths.

  • Wetlands Project: John Carrod discussed more information about the water level being raised on the ‘Washes’ as part of the ‘Life on the Old West’/ACRE project. John had heard more information via media but not directly from project. The chair has emailed the relevant Department at the LOTOW. After a delay the following response was received:

    • “As part of A National Lottery Heritage Fund supported project working in the area, New Life on The Old West (www.newlifeoldwest.org.uk) with partners such as the local IDB and Natural England, we have been considering ways to improve wader habitat in a small part of the SSSI site at the Washes. For various reasons, mainly technical and budgetary it is very far from likely that there will be any firm proposal reached. The gate valve idea referred to in my email to John appears to be rather too expensive to pursue.” It was raised as to how we can find out further information for projects like this/the consequences as John happened to find out during an inspection by the team and not via post/contact.
  • Plot 1 Update: The chair has been in contact with the owner of Plot 1, Plot 1 is a long-term project. Planning permission has a 3 year *shelf life* this can be extended by another 2 years and then planning permission would need to be re-submitted. The chair will confirm with Mr Digby if he would like the tree stumps left in place. **Update** The WPC have asked for all the tree trunks along the Upware open space and Plot 1 to be removed. Liz Tory will get this actioned.

  • Road Markings/potholes – Slow signs and marking near bridge on 3 year wait list residents are reminded anyone can report issues to highways via (https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/roadworks-and-faults)

  • Upware Litter Pick – during various residents walks it had been noted that there had been a build up of litter through Upware. The chair put to the meeting about a communal litter pick. This was very well received by residents and a date of Sunday 06/03/22 meeting at 10am at Hillside House was decided, (weather permitting). Litter pickers and some hi-vis vests will be available. Please can residents bring a couple of bin liners and provide their own gloves.
  • Any Other Business:
    1. RHS Bursary: The chair informed the meeting of an opportunity to apply for a bursary for the Upware Community Space from the RHS, this would be for £50,000 and inc a 3 year upkeep period. Residents felt that due to the chance of this being granted, further upkeep, short submission date and the potential style that this was not a priority.

    2. Wicken Newsletter: After the Wicken Parish Newsletter stopped in 2020 it has now been picked up as a ‘Bi-Yearly Info sheet’ this will be distributed to homes in February and September.

  • Date of next meeting: Monday 25th April 2022 at 7.30pm - The Five Miles 

Please join our Facebook Community page for updates on what is happening in Upware. If you would like to Opt -out of receiving a hard copy of the minutes please contact Laura Petchey with your name and address, as they will be available online

Chair, Secretary, Treasurer:

Chair: Gwynneth Griffiths 

Secretary: Laura Petchey 

Treasurer: Sharon Green 

NB: Common Acronyms:

WPC = Wicken Parish Council

URA = Upware Residents Association]