Wednesday 19th July 2023 (AGM)

Minutes for URA AGM in July 2023 - inc. Chair's Report

Resident’s Association minutes – July 2023 AGM



Laura Petchey/Cogan; Jayne Davies; Simon Cogan; Clive Griffiths; Maggie Haverson; Matt Yorke; Sally Jackson; Chris Jackson; Roger Haverson; Louise O’Conner; Louisa Haine


Apologies: Theresa Bunting; Tracy Collacott; John Collacott; Janet Carrod; Liz Tory


Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chair. 

  1. Introductions – Chris Jackson was welcomed to the meeting


  1. URA Bank Account – the current balance of the URA is currently £1,037.87 of which £50 is held in cash as a float for future events and £ 987.87 is in the URA bank account.


  1. WPC Update
    1. nil to update.
    2. We no longer have a representative at WPC. Upware residents are reminded that anyone can go along although we have no seat. The meetings are on the 2nd Tues of every month.

Action – Jayne to contact Rachel at the WPC for minutes.

  1. We would like the URA minutes to be placed in the WPC notice board on Upware Road.

Action - Jayne to ask WPC if we can add the URA minutes to the notice board.


  1. Upware Open Space – Benches have arrived, they will need concreting into place. Plot 1 will need access to the drains and so this aspect may be delayed.

Action – Members of the committee to decide on placement of the benches. Laura to send email to Rachel at WPC to check if agree on placement and if ok for us to concrete in place. Volunteers will be required to assemble the benches (date to be arranged). Chris has offered to supply and assist concreting into place.


  1. Plot 1 – work has started. WPC have informed the Chair that the fences have been place incorrectly into plot number 1.  


  1. Highways / Potholes
    1. Hedlake Drove road is now repaired.
    2. Discussion about the lack of work on the roads from Upware to Reach. It was thought that as heavy goods vehicles use Upware Rd this may have been given priority.
    3. Some potholes remain in Upware

Action - residents to report and could they also inform the Secretary / Chair know to allow collation of the complaints.  

  1. Junction remains an issue with 1123 high grass, this has been raised several times with the highways

Action – residents to raise issues via the highways website

Action - Chair to send email to WPC regarding the hedge as relates to the landowner.


  1. Water Pressure – remains low. Clive mentioned that Gwyneth had received a letter from CEO of Anglian Water. Glass house on the A10 using the supply and this is impacting on water pressure

Action - residents to complain directly to Anglian Water


  1. EA Car Park Bins – are overflowing. Chris has emailed ECDC and sent photo, explained that we have a high volume in the summer. This may be related to the bins being removed at the moorings. Chair has asked if we can have seasonal provision. Chair also asked for doggie bin on the tow path away from the houses. 

Action – send photos to Chair.


  1. Social Events –
    1. Is it possible for URA to be directly involved in the Bingo event at the 5 Miles.

Action -  Tracy plans to speak to Lorraine at the 5 miles re this possibility in Nov 23

  1. Litter pick in September – Chair to post on Facebook


  1. AGM – Chair’s report – attached
    1. Elected Committee Members – Theresa Bunting / Janet Carrod / Clive Griffiths / Matt Yorke / Simon Cogan / Maggie Haverson / Louise O’Conner
    2. Election Chair - Laura Petchey/Cogan; Secretary – Jayne Davies; Treasurer - Louisa Haine


  1. AOB
    1. Parish News letter ideas, please send to secretary to forward onto Maggie – 1st Aug
    2. The path at the back of Haines is overgrown and impacting upon use of the pathway. Louisa stated they will cut back.
    3. Snapped telegraph pole in Upware Rd – has been reported
    4. Upware Rd – the sharp bend may require a warning sign
    5. The signs on the 1123 to Upware is hidden with overgrowth
    6. Environmental agency car parking - the area that people are parking on is only the concrete. It may be useful to have signage that there is an overflow carpark.

Action chair to raise and possibly invite an environmental agency representative to the meeting



  1. Date of next meeting – 4th October 2023


Minutes of the meeting are believed to be accurate. If you have any questions, comments or concerns then please email

Please join our Facebook Community page for updates on what is happening in Upware.

Chair: Laura Petchey –

Secretary: Jayne Davies –

Treasurer: Louisa Haine –

NB: Common Acronyms:
WPC = Wicken Parish Council / URA = Upware Residents Association



Chair’s Yearly Report 2023

September 2022
URA Pub Quiz – raised £131 towards the defib, more planting of saplings and overall upkeep of the Open Space by volunteers

October 2022
The start of the pothole season, extra planting and we had fantastic array of pumpkins over Halloween all on display!

November 2022
Our very first Bingo Night at the 5 Miles ran by Lorraine & Tracy, with proceeds to the URA – we raised an outstanding £650!

December 2022
beside a minor refuse collection backlog a quiet and frosty Christmas was had!

January 2023
Upware had it’s 5 minutes of fame with the Skating on the Fen behind Duckett’s farm. The hamlet all teamed together to highlight the issues with road conditions and began the long process of lobbying highways

February 2023
More planting, and more Highways fun! Full complaint into ECDC.

March 2023
Quiet month, more chasing of potholes and road surfaces, Liz stepped down from WPC. Some pothole were repaired.

April 2023
Contained the very unusual combination of Aggressive Swans, Bingo and road closures! Upware banded together to help an abandoned dog.

May 2023
More road closures, and although there was inconvenience caused ‘mt headlake’ was finally levelled, and other potholes filled.

June 2023
A rather ‘Dry’ June! Upware was hit by an unexpected water pressure issue, the village rallied together and so far the pressure issues seems to have resolved. URA started process for bins in EA car park to be investigated.