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- Wednesday 24th April 2024
Wednesday 24th April 2024
Minutes of the URA Meeting 24/04/24
Laura Petchey; Jayne Davies; Louisa Haine; Simon Cogan; Clive Griffiths; Gwynneth Griffiths; Sally
Jackson; Theresa Bunting; Janet Carrod; Alan Gamble; Maggie Haverson; Roger Haverson; Andy
Cogan; Louise O’Conner; Adrian Hubbard; Merle Lainjarr; Rachel Barnes; Sue Wilson; Cllr Lucius
Apologies: Matt Cannon; Martha Cannon; Rachel James; Liz Houghton; Chris Jackson; Tracy
Collacott; John Collacott; Carl O’Conner
1. Introductions – New attendees were welcomed to the meeting. Regretfully we reported the
passing of Bob Church from 3 Upware Rd. Residents donated towards a tree, for the in the
open space, in his honour.
2. Minutes from the last meeting - were agreed by the Chair.
3. Actions completed from the last meeting –
a. Secretary sent a request to WPC asking if the brambles on the open space could be
dug up rather than cut back. The response was The contractors are going to go over
them each time they cut the grass to keep them down.
b. Chair suggested that residents should register road fault past the bridge, with
highways and mention the risk to life.
c. Chris Jackson liaised with the Air Ambulance Service to ensure compliance and
registration of an area for helicopter landing.
d. The Open Space Action Group: will provide regular updates (including proposed
layout) – see agenda pt 7
e. TC to enquire about bird boxes for the open space. Bird boxes were donated by
Tracy and John Collacott. Also, Carl O’Conner donated a compost bin
f. Matt Cannon applied for Pride of place grants - see agenda pt 7
4. URA Bank Account – the current balance of the URA is currently £690.98 of which £50 is
held in cash as a float for future events and £640.56 is in the URA bank account. Noted that
£500 is ringfenced for the defibrillator. Incomings £270 from Bingo night 25th January 2024.
Outgoings £247.58 in Jan 2024 for public Liability Insurance.
5. WPC Update – Rachel Barnes and Sue Wilson attended and gave the following update:
Cllr Bill Pepper now has the location code to allow him to do the Speedwatch
session in Upware.
The 20mph application for Upware has been submitted.
Rachel James has reported the potholes on the main road at the School Lane junction (reminder that anyone can report through the CCC website).
Rachel James has chased Highways regarding the barrier which hasn't been mended
yet following the accident.
Culvert has been cleared by CCC. Response from the meeting - Louise O’Connor
stated the culvert has not been cleared inside the drainage pipe and hence the
blockage and risk to flooding remains. Cllr Lucius Vellacott gave a further update
that this as this has not been effectively done, he expects this to be done in the
next few weeks and if not, he will chase. Action - Cllr Lucius Vellacott to provide
update at next meeting.
Grass cutting on the Upware Open Space and verges will resume in April (it may
have taken place today) but there will be no cut in May as we are doing 'No Mow
May'. Response from the meeting – concerns remain that the brambles in the open
space at the back of 7 Old School Lane will get out of hand. Action – secretary to pass on concerns to Rachel James WPC Secretary and ask again if the brambles canbe dug up by the contractors.
Rachel is looking into whether we can change the latch on the Upware Open Space
There has been a question about whether the URA could build a brick BBQ on the
Open Space. This would not be covered by our insurance and could be used by
people other than the URA which could cause anti-social behaviour - so it's a no.
6. Update from ECDC – Cllr Lucius Vellacott attended and gave the following update:
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is currently charged to developers by East
Cambridgeshire District Council at a rate of £151.06/sq.m. in the Parish of Wicken (inc.
Upware). This differs in other Parishes. Wicken Parish Council, from what I can remember,
gets 15% of CIL levied from development in the Parish of Wicken (inc. Upware) and ECDC
apportions the rest to District-wide projects. That is why its current CIL pot may sit at £500
and not be guaranteed a top-up, as it depends how much housing is approved and built.
Section 106 funding is different – that is a legal agreement for the developer to contribute to
various aspects of the community (ie: affordable housing, biodiversity, school places, road
improvements, etc.)
Staploe Medical Centre plans to relocate close by to where it is but have larger premises.
Details of the new medical centre proposed, are in a presentation and FAQ sheet which
should answer any further questions about capacity and resources, and planning matters. If
you as a body (URA) have comments to make, please pass them to myself, as I am a
statutory consultee and can apportion these to the planning balance when it comes in for
decision. I made an error with the capacity figures. The surgery was built for 13,000 patients,
currently serves 24,000 and will serve 32,000. Action for all residents - If you would like this
emailed to you then contact the URA secretary
I have a direct contact at County Highways. If there are seriously dangerous potholes causing
an issue after the statutory time has elapsed, please let me know via email and I will draw
his attention to the report (provided it has been submitted via the usual CCC website portal).
I will keep you tied in to further discussion about the culvert.
7. Upware Open Space –
Work that has been actioned
Benches have been installed. Thanks to Liz Tory for her help with the WPC.
Moved various trees for the emergency helicopter landing space.
Area covered in black plastic to kill weeds for wild flower area. (Plastic donated by
Houghton Hall)
The Kings Coronation Oak tree has been planted. (Donated by the WPC via ECDC.)
Various tidying on the space.
Open Space plan has been actioned and this will evolve as we go forward. Thanks to
Peter Haine. Also list of trees that are already planted on site.
Four bird boxes donated by John and Tracy Collacott have been installed.
Going forward
60 hedging saplings will arrive in November. Theses have been donated by the
Woodland Trust. Dog Rose, Hawthorn, Hazel, Crab Apple and Dogwood.
Pride of Place Grant £1,000 has been applied for by Matt Cannon and has been
successful. This can only be native plants, trees, bulbs or seeds. Decision to be made
on what to purchase at the next meeting.
Plaque for the Kings Coronation Tree.
First Maintenance cut has occurred on the 24 th April.
WPC Have just over £500 Community Infrastructure Funding money available This
can only pay for a new bench or information board
1. A new bench the same as installed except soft wood. The bench is £420 (this
includes VAT) delivery £160 Total £580.
2. On Information Board – approz £1000
Action – The URA committee will need to vote on the way forward with either
bench or information board. The decision to be conveyed at the next meeting. Any
resident that wishes to comment please email the URA secretary.
A Brick built BBQ: WPC have not given us the permission to go ahead with this idea.
Donations so far
1,000 bulbs will be donated by Clive at the beginning of the autumn.
Horse chestnut tree being donated by Carl and Louise, they have also donated a
compost bin.
Sally and Chris have offered to donate a Christmas Tree.
Janet and John would like to donate a Silver Birch
Information for other residents re donating trees or shrubs. This will be collated and
will be put forward to the URA and residents at the July meeting.
Dates for Open Space tidy mornings: Action for all residents - please attend if able
Sunday 19th May, 23rd June, 21st July and 25th August. Meeting at 10am.
Q – Simon asked about the Bee mound and the herb patch – the bee mound
remains on the plans but location needs to be considered. The herb patch to be
reviewed later. Action – update required from GG at the next meeting regarding
plans for Bee Mound and Herb patch.
Clive asked about the usefulness of a tap, Action - WPC to raise this.
8. Upware in Bloom – Clive mentioned about the bulbs on verges, and plans to add to the
large containers.
9. Highways / Potholes / Road Closures
a. Pot holes to report on highways – Action - all residents when these are identified
b. Road closures –
5 th June – 7 th June possible closure on Great Drove.
7 th to 17 th June A1123, Wilburton Road closure
5 th Aug Headlake Drove & Whiteway Drove closure
10. Flood Defences – see above
11. Speeding – see WPC update
12. Ideas for fund raising and volunteers to take forward
a. Quiz night - Simon to write the question, Jayne to organise in the Autumn.
b. Picnic in open space 3 rd Aug – from 11am – ALL UPWARE RESIDENTS, INCLUDING
THE MARINA ARE WELCOME - plus raffle, - Gwynneth and Louise to organise.
Action – Louisa to locate the raffle tickets and update GG and LO
13. Social Events –
a. Bingo event on the 1 st May, held at the Five Miles from Anywhere Pub. For further
dates see Facebook
14. AOB –
a. Andy Cogan mentioned the book about Upware that he has written - £10 (£3 to the
Defib fund) if you would like to purchase a copy please contact Andy Cogan
b. If residents prefer an electronix copy of the minute then contact the Secretary so
she can use email for correspondence jayne.davies@aol.co.uk
15. Date of next meeting – Wed 17 th July 2024, 7.30pm in the Front Bar of 5 miles
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