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- Wednesday 30 January 2019
Wednesday 30 January 2019
Minutes of Upware Residents' Association Meeting
Minutes of last meeting in October agreed and signed by the Chair.
Treasurers Report
Balance in the URA bank account as of 1stJanuary 2019 £2062.81. This includes three donations for the purchase of the defibrillator, £500 from Francis Flower £500 from G Webb Haulage and £100 from The Wicken Fete Committee. Payments made to clear loans from Sharon Green £173.67, Gwynneth Griffiths £137.69 and also £14.39 to Alex Tory for the renewal of the website, cheques were written out at the meeting. Therefore, the balance in the bank account as of 1stFebruary is £1737.06
Christmas Fair 9th
The profits from the fair were £795.60. Our thanks to Loraine and David for letting us hold the fair at the 5 miles, WPC for the free loan of the marquee, to all that helped erect and dismantle the marquee, the fundraising committee for all their hard work and last of all to Santa for attending when he had such a busy schedule. The date for this year’s Christmas Fair is Sunday 8thDecember. The fair will need to be self-funding as last years was supplemented by the fundraising committee.
It was agreed that we should have at least £250.00 in the bank account to pay for leaflets posters Facebook page plus other extras. The fundraising committee will meet on 13thFebruary to start organising the event. It there are any residents that would like to help please contact the Secretary on gwynneth@fpandp.com or 07825999179 .
To buy the equipment through the British Heart Foundation we would need to contribute £600 they contribute £800. The equipment will need a new battery approx. every 3/4 years approx £200 plus spare parts if the equipment is used.
The cost of a temperature box is approx. £400. We can insure the equipment through the URA insurance for a further £52.42 per year, however Liz Tory will ask the WPC to see if they can cover the insurance through their policy. Lorraine at The 5 Miles is happy for the equipment to be installed at the pub and she will cover the running costs.
John Collacott has offered to install the equipment free of charge. We have also managed to get a two hour training session on how to use the equipment for up to 10 people free of charge. If there are any residents that would like to volunteer for the training please let the Secretary know.
Gwynneth Griffiths will start the process of applying for the equipment through the British Heart foundation and will keep the URA informed on the progress. A concern was mentioned on the liability insurance on using the defibrillator, information from the BHF website for information:-
Do I need indemnity insurance to use one?
The patient is to all intensive purposes ‘dead’ when you arrive. Using CPR and a PAD will hopefully bring them back to life. No one will complain about that! However, calling 999 and taking instruction from the ambulance service will automatically cover you anyway under their insurance. Remember that you must always dial 999!
Wicken Parish Council Update from Liz Tory.
A new parish Clerk has been elected, her name is Rachel Earl. The WPC have asked highways to cut back the large trees that are on the meadow boundary. Highways have said this will be done, however, we do not have a timescale.
Online GP system at Soham, the WPC would like to know if any Upware residents have feedback on the new online site. If you do please let Liz Tory know so she can go back to the WPC. No residents at the meeting have had any problems with the new site.
The WPC are just sorting out the transfer of the community land for a grand fee of £1. This will take quite a while it is not an overnight process. They are just waiting to find out some information for boundary fences removal of the trees etc: There will be an amount paid from Emma Cross to the WPC for the upkeep and maintenance of the Community Land, this will include flattening the area, seeding, fencing and cuts to the grass.
The URA will need permission from the WPC to action any work and install items on the land. However, it was agreed that a sub-committee would be formed to talk about what Upware would like to use the field for, for instance trees, benches, bug houses etc. This sub-committee will come up with some ideas update the URA and liaise with the WPC. The members are Andy Cogan, Clive Griffiths, Jayne Davies and Elaine Haine. If there are any other resident’s that would like to join please the Secretary know. The Community Land will be on the next meeting agenda to discuss further.
No update yet on the Connecting Cambridgeshire website but we are aware of the new cabling that is now in Upware. A concern from a marina resident about connecting the residents in the marina. The URA have asked Connecting Cambridgeshire about this and we are still waiting for an update. Residents can go on their website and log in to put in their information to have updates connectingcambridgeshire.co.uk. We were also told by a resident that Air Broadband have said they will definitely not pull out of Upware.
Update from Sharon Green. Because of the weather and dark mornings and evenings there have been no speedwatch sessions. However, Sharon will be organising sessions soon.
Local Highways Initiative Bid
The URA can look at applying for various ways of improving our village for instance more speed signs, gates at the outskirts of the village etc. However we would have contribute minimum 10% so fundraising would have to be a priority if the URA wanted to go ahead with this scheme. We could apply this summer for 2010/2021 funding. More information will be found and this will be discussed again at the next meeting.
Fundraising event
A picnic in the Park will be organised this year. Date to follow.
School Lane
Residents have asked Liz Tory to mention the lamp post that is not working to the WPC. Liz will get this on the agenda in March.
URA Website
Roger Haverson has kindly agreed to take over the update and running of the URA website. upware.org.uk
Next meeting
Wednesday 24 April 2019 at The Five Miles.
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