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- Residents' Association Minutes
- Wednesday 4th October 2023
Wednesday 4th October 2023
Upware Resident’s Association minutes – 4th October 2023
Laura Petchey/Cogan; Jayne Davies;; Louisa Haine; Simon Cogan; Clive Griffiths; Gwyneth Griffiths,
Sally Jackson; Chris Jackson; Theresa Bunting; Janet Carrod; John Carrod; Matthew Luck; Alan
Gamble; Rachel James, Liz Houghton.
Apologies: Liz Tory; Maggie Haverson; Roger Haverson; Matt Cannon; Martha Cannon
1. Introductions – Rachel James and Liz Houghton from WPC were welcomed to the meeting.
2. Minutes from the last meeting - were agreed and signed by the Chair.
3. Actions from the last meeting –
a. Minutes will be emailed Rachel James @WPC to add to the Upware Notice board.
b. Placement of benches decided but delayed until drains dug for plot number 1.
c. There have been no emails from residents to secretary/chair regarding potholes.
d. Hedges on A1123 cut back – no further action.
e. Water pressure – see below.
f. EA carpark – see below.
g. Invite to environmental agency rep – TBC at a later date.
4. URA Bank Account – the current balance of the URA is currently £1,037.87 of which £50 is
held in cash as a float for future events and £ 987.87 is in the URA bank account. Battery Low
on Defib, 2 sets of pads remain. Action for Louisa - to be ordered ASAP.
5. WPC Update –
a. Application for 20mph speed limit. Although Wicken has gained this speed limit in
the internal roads, this will not be the 1123. This reduction for Upware was declined.
b. Pot-holes. Rachel reported that these had been raised and are now filled.
c. Rachel invited all residents to the WPC meeting if they wish to attend. See notice
board for dates.
6. Update from ECDC – Jayne read parts of the report, from ECD’s Councilor Lucious Vallacott,
that were relevant to Upware. Lucius stated that Residents can contact him with issues
specific to Upware or the District more generally. lucius.vellacott@eastcambs.gov.uk
7. Upware Open Space – plan for the open space discussed. It was agreed that we need to
ensure that the plans are in keeping with the needs of all residents in Upware, including
those living in the Marina and hence a survey will be circulated to gain current views. Once
the survey findings are collated, this will help to formulate a current plan for the open space.
A working group will take the actions forward. Clarity was gained from Liz that the Open
Space could be whatever the residents want, but to consider disabled access. It was
suggested that we get support of WPC if we require grants that were mentioned in the ECDC
a. Action - Rachel will speak to the owner of plot 1, re plan for the drain.
b. Action – Survey to be created by Simon and sent out with the minutes.
ALL RESIDENTS - Please post through Chair letterbox or reply
back/fill out the online form before the end of October 2023
If you need a copy emailed to you or posted through your door please contact the
Secretary Jayne Davies – jayne.davies@aol.co.uk
c. Action – Secretary to document the collated themes and sent to Gwyneth.
d. Action – Gwyneth to lead the working group (Janet / Sally /Chris). volunteers to
be asked for an adhoc basis
8. Plot 1 – work , see above re Open Space
Page 2
9. Highways / Potholes
a. Upware Road, past the Pump House is collapsing. Chris raised concerns over road
collapse and risk of potential fatality. Action – Chris to send written concerns to
Rachel to allow this to be sent to Swaffham Parish Council.
b. Tractors exceeding 30mph speed limit through Upware. Rachel stated that she had
written to the farmers about this issue. Action – Residents to report to Rachel:
day/time/reg number/location - rachel.james@wickenparishcouncil.co.uk
10. Water Pressure – Water pressure improved – Gwyneth reported that the glass house now
pulling off water from Streatham. This item closed
11. EA Car Park Bins – Bins being emptied weekly. Action to be closed.
Gwyneth mentioned not strimming around the bins. Action – Chair to take this forward.
Sign re overflow carpark would be useful to prevent cars parking on Upware Rd. Action –
Chair to take this forward.
12. Social Events –
a. We need t enquire re possibility of Bingo event for fund raising. Action - Jayne to
contact Tracy for an update
b. Litter pick – Saturday 11th Nov at 10am til 12noon. ALL WELCOME. Meet on the
Upware Open Space. Action - Chair to post event on Facebook
13. AOB
a. Thanks to Gwyneth and Clive for the x 2 pots at the entrance to Upware.
b. Clive will add bulbs – Action = to add an agenda point Upware in Bloom
c. Cover of 1 printer ink per annum discussed and supported. Looking at using emails.
Action – ALL RESIDENTS to email the Secretary so she can use email for
correspondence jayne.davies@aol.co.uk
d. Gwyneth voted onto committee
e. Matthew raised the traffic calming , reapplying for speed bumps – Rachel stated that
this would not be likely, as this and gates were denied before.
f. Duck signs to go up. Action - Jayne to speak to number 1, Old School Lane, as signs
in their garden.
14. Date of next meeting – Wed 17th Jan 2024, 7.30pm in the Front Bar of 5 miles
Minutes of the meeting are believed to be accurate. If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns then please email jayne.davies@aol.co.uk
Please join our Facebook Community page for updates on what is happening in Upware.
Chair: Laura Petchey – lapetchey@gmail.com
Secretary: Jayne Davies – jayne.davies@aol.co.uk
Treasurer: Louisa Haine – thefamilyhaine@gmail.com
NB: Common Acronyms:
WPC = Wicken Parish Council / URA = Upware Residents Association